第 57 屆威尼斯雙年展歐洲國家館藝術家,第 14 屆哈瓦那雙年展中國國家館藝術家, 亞洲國際藝術文獻學術委員會 (2020~2029) 執行主席, 中國國際科學與藝術委員會第一屆委員,現生活和創作於中國北京/旅居歐洲
Artists of the 57th Venice Biennale (European pavilion).
Artists of the 14th Havana Biennale (China pavilion).
Executive Chairman of Asian International Contemporary Art Academic Committee (2020-2029) Member of science and Art Committee, China Foundation for International Scientific Exchange. Currently creating and living in Beijing China and Europe.
學術貢獻: 【冰山語言體系】首屆中國新疆國際雙年展 【元生命研究-地球書簡】第 57 屆威尼斯雙年展
Academic Contributions: Iceberg Language system (2005 - 2011)
Meta-life Art Research: Earth Life Books (2012 - 2017)
자연의 이미지와 함께하는 다소 초현실적인 비유를 만들어 보고 싶었다.
어떠한 혐오도 공포도 존재하지 않는 미래의 정치와 어린아이들에게 물려줄 지속가능한 자연을 가진 사회에 대한 생각을 가지고 있다.
I wanted to create a somewhat surreal analogy with images of nature.
I have thoughts about future politics where there is no hatred or fear, and a society with sustainable nature to pass on to children.
“Believing that surroundings can influence ones health and mind – be in the Positive energy environment“
ORIGINAL 10X15 CM – prints up to 180-200 cm
Acryl on paper
Aase Birkhaug ICA -International certified artist 2020 – International awarded artist with 130 international art awards and international art prizes since 2016-2022.
Theme is Botanics Florals Nature (natural energy suppliers)
Technique abstract and semiabstract.
Exhibitions and Biennales,130 international since 2016.
(I am also a Master Coach and a Physical Therapist Specialist.)
Painter, Photographer, Image Designer and Writer
"A Storm revesl the water that need the world."
Turkish painter primarily captures the themes of imaginary places and colors
Andy Alexis-Baker is a photographer, printmaker, and a professor of religious studies at Arrupe College of Loyola University Chicago.
Infrared photograph of a Sierra Juniper in California, near the top of Donners Peak. The oldest Sierra Juniper is about 2,500 years old. Will these old trees survive us?
I grew up in the countryside in beautiful South Africa. I was a self-taught sketch artist until my first year of university where I stepped into an art class for the first time to learn how mix and apply paint to canvas. It was love at first brush stroke. I am fascinated by the human condition and how we navigate our lives and relationships. I am obsessed with trees and the beauty of nature in general, and merge these components together in my work to tell my stories.
“Fall-ow Me” is part of a collection called “Lifescapes”. Moments captured on my daily walks that stop me in my tracks, because of its beauty, the human experience and our connection to nature and animals alike. “Fall-ow me” was a beautiful fall/autumn day when I saw this lovely woman and her dog slowly strolling down the street lined with beautiful golden yellow trees.
Versatile Artist, designer, painter etc.
City : The work represents the modern city with its angles, characters and feelings